A Transistor is an semiconductor which is a fundamental component
in almost all electronic devices. Transistors are often said to be the most
significant invention of the 20th Century. Transistors have many uses including
switching, voltage/current regulation, and amplification - all of which are
useful in renewable energy applications.
A transistor controls a large electrical output signal with changes to a small input signal. This is analogous to the small amount of effort required to open a tap (faucet) to release a large flow of water. Since a large amount of current can be controlled by a small amount of current, a transistor acts as an amplifier.
A transistor acts as a switch which can open and close many times per second.
A transistor controls a large electrical output signal with changes to a small input signal. This is analogous to the small amount of effort required to open a tap (faucet) to release a large flow of water. Since a large amount of current can be controlled by a small amount of current, a transistor acts as an amplifier.
A transistor acts as a switch which can open and close many times per second.
For more details : Transistor
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